Inclusive family financial education: funded workshop

Join us for this funded workshop on how to help children with neurodiversity and additional learning and support needs learn about money.


If you work with children and families, this free workshop offers a new approach to learning about money for children with diverse needs including autism spectrum disorders and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The training is funded by the Money and Pensions Service and builds on the Love Learning about Money Programme.

By attending you will:

  •  Learn how to deliver an inclusive and accessible financial education programme for children aged 3 to 7 years old through rich learning experiences using Makaton, sensory icons, storytelling, songs, games and family activities
  • Get access to all the resources and tools you need to deliver the activities including facilitator’s guide, multimedia content, session plans and certificates
  • Learn how to differentiate your learning delivery to respond to children’s individual learning needs
  • Learn how to integrate Makaton signing into your learning delivery
  • Learn how to use sensory icons to differentiate learning activities
  • Find out how to join our new financial education community of practice and networking events


Who should attend?

This workshop is for practitioners working with families with diverse needs who are looking to start conversations about money; and practitioners teaching family finance who wish to support families with diverse needs, including:

  • Specialist practitioners in England, Scotland. Wales and Northern Ireland working with children with special educational needs, additional learning needs and additional support needs, and SENCos and ALNCos
  • Early years practitioners in nurseries, schools, family hubs and children centres 
  • Family learning practitioners 
  • Family engagement and support practitioners 
  • Adult and community learning staff 
  • Parenting support practitioners
  • Multiply programme managers and tutors supporting financial education and family numeracy


This training builds on our Love Learning about Money programme - feedback from previous participants: 

100% of practitioners would recommend the Love Learning about Money training to a colleague.

"This training was fantastic - I think it will be such a valuable programme to be able to deliver to families, especially considering the current economic climate" 

"I love the way it's broken down into clear sections. I am looking forward to particularly using the health and wellbeing as this would complement the work I am doing with PEEP groups." 

"It's a good resource for a much-needed topic. Managing money is something that people need help with, particularly some of our more vulnerable learners. There’s nothing else out there that I know of that does this in a child friendly way."

"I liked the flexibility. You didn’t have to just go ‘here’s the programme, here’s the content, off you go’. You could mix and match it, swap the weeks, whatever you feel". 

How to book

Register below to secure your funded place.

If you can't attend this workshop, we are running more sessions - please see our events page for details.

11/23/2023 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
GMT Standard Time

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